Silke van Dijk VMT1F mediavormgeving

For this assignment the main goal was to figure out how the basics of blender would work and to make, with those basics, a tiny scene in which a Barrel, Arch, Chest, Table, Lamp and plant were put. These assignments would go from basic to more advances as time goes on. The plant for an example was much more difficult to make than the Barrel was. 
Besides learning in blender the ohter goal was to leanr how to edit in sketchfab, with edit I then mean to color, ad lights and post effects. Therefore in this assignment you will see me go from practicing basics to full 3D models and further more the scene in sketchfab and it's end work.
My end work is seen below
Before getting into making those simple objects like a barrel, we first had to experiment with the basics. We got to learning how to duplicate, change it's or their chape and to join, add or edit an object.

Screenshots of this process are seen below
After following each explenation and or looking up tutorials by myself I made each individual object in blender as is seen with the arch and barrel in past screenshots. After this I had to export these files to make sure I could put them in sketchfab and color and light them one by one.

Below here shows every separate object I had to make for these assignments individually
The barrel as1
The arch as2
The chest as3
The table and lamp as4
The plant
After the trouble of making these, especially the plant since the assignments go from easy to difficult, I finally got to figuring out how the lighting and colouring works on sketchfab.
While this took some time I still had to make the whole scene work together for which I had to think a little.

A short story eventually seemed like a good idea, the arch would be too big and different from the rest of the builds so I decided to put it in there as a model. Though I still needed to put a fitting floor under there to make sure nothing would seem to be foating around too much so I decided to make that a dark wooden floor to tie the piece together.

After exporting this and putting it in sketchfab to add everything I had to for the assignment, I put a better coloured background behind it to make it seem more lively.
When I uploaded I then copied the code of the full model to put it in behance, and that's how I managed this assignment.

Thank you

During the make of this assignment I found out the difficulty of it to be quite high for me. I've never been the 3D kind of person but Blender truly brought a different side of me to light, both in a good and bad way. It frustrated me alot when things didnt work out and asking for help was difficult. Despite this I still asked sometimes and eventually got to asking regularly, wether that would be with the teacher or other students. Their help worked wonders and after a while I was finally able to make the plant and colour in Blender. Some other tutorials helped out aswell but I could have asked earlier to make the making of this assignment less stressfull as it had been originally, which I'll then ofcourse do for next time to manage the full project better.
Jane's study room

Jane's study room
